Award-winning courses
Join hundreds of teachers who rave about our Spoken Word curriculum that gets students excited about writing and public speaking!
Engage your students with our UC-approved English and Elective courses, supplemental lessons, and residencies.
This year, Get Lit was awarded the Library of Congress Literacy Successful Practices Award for the second time for our implementation of exemplary, innovative, sustainable and replicable strategies to promote literacy and reading.

our courses

each course comes with...
- Mentor visits from Get Lit Coaches
- Professional development throughout the year and at our Poetic Convergence
- Your team’s entry to the Classic Slam
- Hundreds of instructional videos led by youth poets, robust poetry anthologies, and educator resources
- A youth-led, in-school “Blitz” poetry performance for your school (extra fee)

get lit essential
Bring poetry to life in your classroom! This 12-week, standards-and SEL-aligned supplementary curriculum adds enrichment and rigor to any existing English or Drama class. Students will “claim” poems that speak to them and learn to write and perform their own Spoken Word response poems. For grades 5-12, Get Lit Essential uses student voice to increase engagement and literacy while empowering creative expression. Can be taught in the classroom or as independent online study.

words ignite
Inspire authors and advocates with our Words Ignite curriculum; a year- or semester-long UC-approved English, Performing Arts, or Elective curriculum for grades 9-12. These plug-and-play lessons come with everything from warm-ups to graphic organizers and assessments. Students will use the Get Lit Model to write, revise, publish, and even market their own poetry chapbook to elevate their voice in their classrooms and communities. Words Ignite also comes with exclusive use of Uni(verse), so students can write, edit, score, and workshop poems online. Can be taught in the classroom or as independent online study.

stanzas of america
Engage and embolden students with Stanzas of America, our semester-long UC-approved English, Performing Arts, or Elective curriculum for grades 9-12. This course celebrates BIPOC poetry, encouraging students to share their own writing through a deep dive into poetic form and function. Students will use the Get Lit model for analysis, appreciation, and response-writing to produce and publish their own chapbooks. This course is aligned to the California Ethnic Studies requirement and also includes 100+ poems by BIPOC poets and energetic youth-led videos. Can be taught in the classroom or as independent online study.
See the difference Get Lit can make in your classroom!

FREE with all Get Lit curriculum, Get Lit's classroom app Uni(verse) offers a revolutionary way to measure student success as they write, revise, perform, score, and publish their poetry.
All courses are available in a digital format that integrates with your school’s Learning Management System. All of our technology meets the strictest privacy requirements and includes real-time technical support for teachers, staff, and students. Uni(verse) has been approved by LAUSD as a Digital Content Provider.
Bring Get Lit to your school!
Ignite student voice with our highly engaging curriculum.