Michael Zomber
Michael Zomber has been collecting antique arms and armor for more than thirty years. He has shared his expertise with America as a guest historian on the History Channel’s Tales of the Gun series, which included these episodes: Guns of the Famous, Guns of the Orient, Dueling Pistols, Shotguns, Automatic Pistols and Million Dollar guns. He is a recognized authority on the weapons and armour of the Japanese samurai.
At heart, he is a story teller. His writing credits include seven screenplays, and four published novels, Son of Kentucky and Sweet Betsy, both focused on Civil War times, Soul of the Samurai, an historical novel set in 17th century Japan, Park Avenue an exciting examination of the high stakes world of art and auction, and a brief history of Christianity in Japan, entitled Jesus and the Samurai.
More knowledgeable on the painful ramifications of war than most, Zomber also steadfastly supports organizations whose missions embrace peace, such as UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International and Global Exchange.
Zomber and his wife have two children and reside in MD along the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. A native of Washington D.C., he holds bachelor’s degrees in English Literature and Psychology, and a master’s degree in English Literature from UCLA.